- Place beasts of mythos that increase your Riddzee gain at #adventure (Discord)

- Grow special plants to increase your gain of clues in riddle events.

- Ask us to place ADS or NFTs so other people can see it.

- Share your own 3D voxel artworks. and flex it to the max.

- Dominate the landscape, receive special status & role on Discord.

- Place beasts of mythos that increase your Riddzee gain at #adventure


- Grow special plants to increase your gain of clues in riddle events.

- Ask us to place ADS or NFTs so other people can see it.

- Share your own 3D voxel artworks. and flex it to the max.

- Dominate the landscape, receive special status & role on Discord.

Blocks of land refer to small pieces of virtual real estate within the

Sandbox ERC-721 LAND. These blocks are essentially tiny fractions of the

larger Sandbox LAND that we own. Each block is a 4x4 square, it translates to

4 meters by 4 meters in real life. All plots are backed by TheSandbox Game Land NFT.

Blocks of land refer to small pieces of virtual real estate within the

Sandbox ERC-721 LAND. These blocks are essentially tiny fractions

of the larger Sandbox LAND that we own. Each block is a 4x4 square,

it translates to 4 meters by 4 meters in real life. All plots are backed

by TheSandbox Game Land NFT.





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By skillfully integrating both nostalgia and the latest advancements in cybernetics, Riddzee emerges as a distinctive representation of web3 individuality and an incentivized earning platform.

© 2023 Riddzee


By skillfully integrating both nostalgia and the latest advancements in cybernetics, Riddzee emerges as a distinctive representation of web3 individuality and an incentivized earning platform.

FeedBack Or Comments? Get In Touch



© 2023 Riddzee

FeedBack Or Comments? Get In Touch




By skillfully integrating both nostalgia and the latest advancements in cybernetics, Riddzee emerges as a distinctive representation of web3 individuality and an incentivized earning platform.

© 2023 Riddzee